Help Namibian Czechs

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Black Czechs

The documentary film charts the extraordinary destinies of Namibian children who grew up in Czechoslovakia. They refer to themselves as black Czechs, regardless of whether they live in Namibia or have returned to the Czech Republic.

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Palacký university Czech television Czech association for African studies

About the movie

In the 1980s, 56 Namibian children were raised in socialist Czechoslovakia. The special educational program of the Namibian liberation movement SWAPO and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia aimed to raise children into a new generation of politically aware elite.

This political experiment failed in the early 1990s due to fundamental political changes in both countries. The children were forcibly resettled to Namibia, unable to culturally adapt - without completing basic education and without any language and psychological preparation. The filmmakers searched for traces of now-adult Namibian children and followed their fates both in Namibia and in the Czech Republic for three years. To this day, black Czechs remain trapped in the memories of their idyllic childhood in Czechoslovakia, which they consider their true home.

Czech republic Czech republic

The main characters

Consequences of the events

Even after more than 30 years of their lives spent in Namibia, Black Czechs feel a strong sense of belonging to the Czech Republic, which they consider their home. Most of them still speak the Czech language, or at least understand it, and maintain Czech customs, traditions, and European lifestyle. Members of the group meet regularly, either spontaneously or in the form of annual official meetings organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in South Africa.

Black Czechs like to follow the political and cultural events in our country, and their lifelong dream is to look back at the country where they grew up. The group is currently seeking, among other things, to make their history in exile part of the national memory and to be compensated and socially rehabilitated as descendants of prominent war veterans and national heroes of Namibia's independence struggle.


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Česká republika

About the film crew



Phone: +420 585 631 705

+420 603 361 379

Facebook: @blackczechs

Instagram: @black_czechs

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